Today's Offer

अमाउंट या उससे से अधिक डिपॉजिट पर पाए एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

₹ 1000 या अधिक पर 5% एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

₹ 5000 या अधिक पर 7% एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

₹ 10,000 या अधिक पर 10% एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

₹ 20,000 या अधिक पर 15% एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

₹ 30,000 या अधिक पर 20% एक्स्ट्रा पॉइंट

🕉️ * ऑनलाइन खाईवाल * 🕉️

🙏 नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏

हम लाए हे ऑनलाइन सट्टा बाज़ार की खाईवाल वेबसाइट (application) हमारे पास गेम खेलने के लिए आपको id राजिस्टर करना होगा जो की वेबसाइट (application) पर होगा रजिस्टर करने के बाद आपको whatsapp पर msg करना होगा पेमेंट लेन देन की जानकारी आपको वहा दी जाएगी ||

नोट:- हमारे पास किसी भी प्रकार की लिक गेम नाही होती हे गेम मांगने के लिए msg ना करे।

गेम व्हाट्सअप पर नही लिया जाता हे डायरेक्ट एप्लीकेशन मे हि खेले ||

100% भरोसेमंद || 100% सुरक्षित

धन्यवाद 🙏

Game Rates ( Full Bhaw 10x1000 )

Play Bazaar Andriod App

Download Now and Play Gali Deswar and other markets with full bhaw.


Satta King Live Result Today

PlayBazaar Live Result की Website में आपका स्वागत है? यहाँ All Play Bazaar and Satta King Result और Chart अथवा Record हम इस Website पर Daily Update करते हैं So आपको Play Bazaar और Satta King के रोजाना सभी Result एक ही जगह पे मिलते रहेंगे.


37 Logo 96

Bet Close Time: 03:50 AM
Result Time: 04:00 AM


58 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 01:50 PM
Result Time: 02:00 PM


59 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 02:35 PM
Result Time: 02:45 PM


02 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 02:40 PM
Result Time: 02:50 PM


51 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 03:05 PM
Result Time: 03:15 PM


50 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 04:30 PM
Result Time: 04:40 PM


05 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 05:45 PM
Result Time: 05:55 PM


17 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 09:05 PM
Result Time: 09:15 PM


54 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 10:50 PM
Result Time: 11:00 PM


03 Logo **

Bet Close Time: 11:05 PM
Result Time: 11:15 PM

SattaKing Record Chart April 2025

Monthly Satta King Results

01 Feb ** 76 39 52
02 Feb 13 00 11 60
03 Feb 90 76 75 96
04 Feb 79 98 33 57
05 Feb 50 46 29 19
06 Feb 86 88 53 50
07 Feb 68 19 63 45
08 Feb 54 15 94 93
09 Feb 03 77 35 11
10 Feb 40 04 75 28
11 Feb 37 05 17 03
12 Feb ** ** ** **

Play Bazaar Andriod App

Download Now and Play Gali Deswar and other markets with full bhaw (10x1000).


Sattaking Result 2025

What is Play Bazaar?

आपने Play Bazaar, Satta Matka अथवा Satta King Result का नाम कई बार सुना होगा यह India का बहुत ही PopularGame है. तो Play bazaar भी इसी का हिस्सा है. Basically, Play Bazaar एक Website है जिस पर Satta King के सभी Result Daily और Live Update किये जाते हैं. और इसके साथै आप सभी दिल्ली सत्ता मर्क्केत जैसे की Gali, Deswar, Faridabad, Gaziabad और बहुत सरे फुल भाव मई खेल सकते ह। 100% गारंटीद और सुरक्षि।

Introduction of the gaming universe called Play Bazaar!

Hey, fellow gamers! If you're the type of person who likes to get themselves entertained and experience the flavor of winning, then Play Bazaar is the hot spot for you. It's such a hard time that our game library has such a tremendous collection of attractive games. You will completely agree with me when I say, "Amazing!"

Play Bazaar: The only end in sight where you know that fun will never stop.

Think of how many games you can be able to play from your living room and be happy and merry all the way in a world like ours. That is true. We created Play Bazaar to cater for that purpose. It is a wizard's world which is always able to satisfy everybody. Are you game in the old-fangled ones, or are the new ones appealing more? That's totally fine because all your needs are going to be taken well care of at Play Bazaar! The games are interesting, well-crafted, and extremely thrilling.

This is where old traditional games mix up with new launches, and there is never an event where you won't enjoy. It also carries wisdom and hard work. It's not just a blind wish. Play Bazaar hosts all sorts of players, and hence you can play without stressing about advanced skills.

All Play Bazaar: This is where every placed bet brings along with it an exciting thrill.

Full Play Bazaar: This is where every placed bet introduces an exciting thrill. Now, we meet that place where each bet is covered with suspense and turns into a gift unwrapping on x-mas. It's so much fun! Play Bazaar is up for discussion everywhere because of the amusement of games and entertainment they create. The best part? Have a lot of fun playing many games and register no surprises. It is not about winnings. It's exactly the game excitement that is being important.

All that is left to Connect Play was to ensure that everyone has a great time and fair play. It was supposed to be super user-friendly even for newbies. Through this game, you could instantly be immersed in fun. Be prepared for some shocking and fun stuff as you dive deep into the game selection at All Play Bazaar.

Play Bazaar Online can be equated with the most popular superhero in town, making the game more spectacular than ever. And not just comfortable playing, people relish holding a game with a bunch of people enjoying. Free play is regarded as a unicorn that is both true and trustworthy, and you can enter and play without concern.

And with every moment that you make at the Play Bazaar, the entire act turns itself into some kind of grand strategy, and every stake will surely bring you close to winning. It promises to do the work in the given time frame, and this is the easiest tool to use. Gaming Maze is the place to get the thrill of gaming and shine like a star out there.

So for all of you who want to experience a fun, simplified way to Play Bazaar just go directly to All Play Bazaar! Or if you're a gaming pro, take it to the next level on Play Bazaar Online! Either way, just get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Those are such fun spaces that every game unveils a new adventurous opportunity.

Hey all you loafers, it's time you get into the zone with spinning and hollering around with the most useful tools of Play Bazaar, All Play Bazaar, and Play Bazaar Online! The fun starts now!

What makes us at Play Bazaar the best possible option?

Bazaar Play is a spot where people know that it renders the most fantastic satta game to play. The thing is you can play the game on a site which offers you opportunities to play your favorites among all the Indian satta games at the same time and even to see their live results.

Are you trying to find the right stage for the satta play bazaar?

Play Bazaar Games:

You choose a satta gaming pub, keep this for an end game in mind, that it has many games to play.

Play Bazaar Live Gaming:

Instead of opting for a website that offers only prerecorded games, rather opt for one which can render you a live game. Visit the reputation site before you start playing live satta games with your money. Live. Satta is one of the fastest and most honest platforms for playing based satta.

Play Bazaar Live Results:

Comment can not be overstated; a live score is accordingly important since it helps you follow the current Json of the happening events through the gaming site. A real time saving option, these live-results bring the tech gaming related info to the visitors, besides allowing the gamers to start from scratch and win straight awards.


However, no matter if there will be legal discussions on the Satta King game in India, you must remember that playing the game and receiving the cash mainly involves taking risks and possibly the authorities may take legal action. Its suggested you do not risk the money that you worked hard to earn by participating in this Play Bazaar satta king sarkar game to neglect any bad effects.

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Download Now and Play Gali Deswar and other markets with full bhaw.
